
A stop to the problem with corrosive steel covers

Corrosion-resistant glass fibre composite covers
The originally installed steel covers are rather worn out and damaged from the corrosive properties of the methane gas. Glass fibre composite covers are corrosion-resistant by virtue of the glass fibre composite structure. Moreover, they are sluggish in reaction to chemically aggressive gases. Glass fibre composite covers are therefore a very good alternative to alternative covers made of cast iron or concrete.

Easy access for operators
Glass fibre composite covers have been developed precisely for such special application areas. The main requirement was enabling easy access for the operator who must climb into the wastewater pit frequently. The pits have different dimensions and are made of concrete. Due to their simple assembly, the glass fibre composite covers can be placed directly onto the existing pit, i.e. the high costs for breaking out and reinstalling the concrete frame are avoided.

Glass fibre composite covers for a leading English waste disposal company
It took only a short period of time to design the covers for this strongly damaged plant in coordination with the engineering office. Safety for pedestrians is assured by the anti-slip surface according to DIN 51097 and DIN 51130.

The glass fibre composite covers designed as a maintenance-free product offer easy and safe access to the plant complex. They are light-weight, resistant to weathering and can bear heavy loads. An advanced engineered resin integrated during the manufacturing process makes each cover a highly developed, monolithic glass fibre composite product.